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Event Information

Team Rosters

Team rosters need to be uploaded and verified in AES. 

As a JVA insured event, both USAV and AAU memberships are excepted on the Event Rosters for athlete and coaches.  Teams do not need to purchase additional membership to participate.


CCJ does not have the ability to fix roster validation issues, therefore it is imperative for clubs to import and validate their rosters early in case you need additional support from the JVA, USAV, or AAU office.


Please request all waivers on the Athlete Age Waiver Form.


For more information regarding rosters, please visit Event Rosters.

Coach Certification

All adults listed on rosters at JVA insured events, must complete the Background Screen and APS training unless they have a AAU background screen.


This must appear on your AES roster and/or be verified by your Region Office.  Chaperones must be listed on the AES roster (with a JVA or AAU background check) to certified for the tournament.


For more information regarding rosters and the JVA event requirements, please visit Event Rosters.



Team Check-In

All teams MUST check-in prior to competing in the tournament.  At check-in, we will finalize your team's Event Roster and verify player/staff memberships in AES.  We will also be checking that each team has a copy of each player's medical release form on site with the coach and/or chaperone.


All registered players and coaches on team rosters (and registered chaperones with teams in the hotel block) will be admitted to the venues with wristbands and proper credentials. 


Coaches will also be able to pick up team credentials and player gifts along with the Coaches Packet at check-in.  Any last-minutes changes will be available at check-in - there is no tournament Coaches Meeting.

Tournament Format

The Cactus Classic Invitational will be three rounds of competition.  Saturday and Sunday's format will be Pool Play.  Monday will be Tournament Bracket Play.  At this point, all teams will have been sorted into divisions of similar competitive skills.  Teams should be expected to play at least 2 matches on Monday.


MONDAY DEPARTURE:  Please do not make travel arrangements to leave earlier than 6:00 PM.  While the final matches on Monday will depend on format, the tournament attempts to schedule all final matches by 4:00 PM.  The hosting club (Club Cactus Juniors) will help all out-of-town teams with their last officiating assignments when available.

Tournament Schedule and Results

The Cactus Classic Invitational is a paperless event.  For a compete tournament schedule and updated results, the Cactus Classic is published online on Advanced Event Systems.  You can also use the AES X-press app to follow all the action on your handheld device.

Tournament Game Ball

The Cactus Classic Invitational is proud to partner with Molten for the tournament's official game ball.  The event will use the Molten SuperTouch (IV58L-RED/SLV) Volleyball


The 12-and-under Division will play with the Molten USAV VBU12 Light Volleyball (VBU12-3).

Cactus Classic Invitational Features

More information coming soon.

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